Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Simple Delights

I am rarely refreshed more, than when I take the time to enjoy and appreciate the Simple Delightsthat surround my life...
::A Clean Dresser::
::Patterns that are waiting to be sewn::

::Having Afternoon Tea::

::Discovering Secret Passages in Old Mansions::

::Dressing Up::
::Your-very-own First Kittens::

::Watching your Cousin's High school Football Game::

::Going on a Hay Ride in the Freezing-Cold because it's That Time of Year::

::Lighting and Blowing your Birthday Candle Out 18 Times on your 18th Birthday::

::Feeding a Rabid Possum Sushi::

::Getting Visits from your Newly Married Sister::

Life gets busy (am I ever finding that out this year)...remember to stop and smell the roses, and enjoy the Simple Delights that God has blessed you with.
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  1. Lovely, Sophia! Thanks for reminding us to count our blessings--not just after-the-fact, but along the way. :)

    And are you seriously 18 now??!!!

  2. Awe, thank you, Christy. =) No, that's Olivia on her 18th. I'm still 16... =) Miss you!

  3. Love the pictures dear! :)

    Ha, you almost could past for Olivia ;)

    Love you dear! <3

  4. I'm glad you like them. =) Love you too! <3

  5. Miss you so much Phi-Phi!
    Thanks for the reminder! :)

  6. Sophia, thank you again for that 'simple' reminder. The simple things in life are just as delightful when you take a moment to enjoy them. :)
    ~ Michelle

    1. Glad you found me, Schelle! My blog is graced by your presence. =)


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)