Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let GOd

It is my personal opinion that keeping a journal is a good thing to do - write about what made you smile on July 17th, 2008 (I wish I would have, because now I don't remember what happened that day); look back through your journals and chuckle softly to yourself as you observe how your handwriting, punctuation, spelling, and grammar have improved as time has progressed (or, perhaps, not improved =P); but, ultimately, your journal should be a testimony of God's faithfulness - write about how God has transformed your life! Keep an account of how He has lovingly answered your prayers to the letter - share about those times when He didn't necessarily answer them how you hoped He would ... and rejoice, because He had something far greater in store for you. <3
I've been reading some of my journal entries recently and it's incredible how reading something from over a month ago fits the exact need I have - whether it's to be reminded to smile, or to remember that He is always faithful and true.
"There is so much to learn every day ... I love to learn! Sometimes it is difficult; but, God is right there with us. And He delights to see His children hold onto His hand, and embrace the experience, keeping Him at the center."

{This amazing image was given to me by the stellar Evangeline Renee}
I'm always convicted, yet comforted at the same time when I look at the above photograph. Convicted, because I think of all the things/people that I, Sophia, am desperately trying to hold onto - instead of relinquishing them to Jesus, the One whom they rightfully belong. I'm convicted that I need to Let Go ...
Comforted, because I know that He can do unimaginably far greater things with them!
I need - I want - to Let God. <3

I've been having a grand week with Smoo. =)
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  1. This is amazing Sophia! Thanks soooo much for sharing. This is just what I've been writing about, thinking about, and trying to do.

  2. Phee Phee! Great post, hun!!! It was very encouraging (for me) because often times I really don't feel like jotting stuff down on days & I usually take it lightly, and then when I look back, I wish that I would have recorded things or written down what I've been learning or something... *sigh* So... I def. know how ya feel, So-Lea. Thank you for being such a blessin! Again, LOOOOOOOOOOVELY post, as always! ♥ <3 Love ya bunches, honey!

  3. Awesome post, Phia! So true!
    I absolutely love to journal....I've been doing it steadily since I was ten. It's so cool (and scary and hilarious and encouraging) to look back and see how far the Lord has brought me.
    Love you girl!

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Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)