Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And a British Accent was Assumed the Entire Week ...

... in consequence of being jolly-well beside myself for utter happiness!

I tell you the truth, and I have arrived at the conclusion that, if Sophias could fly, you would ne'er have seen this one on the ground, beginning Monday and concluding on Sat. - at which point, the confines of the F.P.V*  kept her on solid ole terra firma (for 17 hrs., at least). =}
*Fifteen Passenger Van

Why so much felicity?
Well, dear reader, there are many reasons.
 (I say 'reasons', for there are several =)

Let's commence at the start, shall we?
 - I had been praying about the Big Sandy expotition*, since Feb.
(I was informed that I was going 1 week and 3 days before said expot. would be taking place)
{if you'll recall, Anslers came to visit in Februar =}
*I suggest that you brush up on your children's classic literature =)

- I had the delight  of traveling with many winsome fellow expotition-ers!

- 16 hrs. with Back-seat Traveling Chum, Sandra!

- Satiating wanderlust ;]

- Undergoing precious cultural experiences with said companions =]

- Catching up a bit on the vital shut eye, eh wot! =)

- Partaking of southern hospitality
{the dear Sandie-dook =}

- Terrorizing  Enjoying the innumerable charming frogs, which inhabited the pond *shing*

- Seeing Grace!

- Being 'suns' with Olive, Whit, Amy, and 'Manda ... lol ;)

- Surprise-getting-to-see Anna!

- And surprise-getting-to-see Anna's Mum!

- Being Team B, so that our station could be decorated with,
British tea
Baby nephew
and Berba grozda* items

*it's Croatian for vintage 

- At least 9 Additional Excellent Excuses to smile each day from 8 to 5 ;)

- Having 'roads' made on my back* and being teased about my liking for broccoli, by suspects #1 and #2, respectively ;)

*a formerly unheard-of variation on a back massage...glorious =)

- Discovering each of the uniquely dear melodies within my 9 music boxes <3

- Beholding The Great {Grinning} Pyramid

- Blessedly cheered every day by my darling Prexcel* girls =D

*if one omits the second 'e' in Pre-Excel, one is left with 'Prexcel'  ;)

- Skittles ... what more is there to say? =] 

- Laughing helplessly

- Meeting The Illustrious Sophlivia, Dancing Chi, and Wemmick Punchinella-ette, L-R respectively 

- Chumming away the evenings with recent JTTH, well ... chums =]
- Seeing the DLC*
*Dear Little Couple

- Blissfully happy being with the Jenna-ly, Sarah-ly, and Em'ly =)

- Being reunited with a dearheart of an Em'ly! <3

- One consolation of saying FTW* to the week ... basking in God's sunset creativity <3
*Fare Thee Well

- Cracker Barrel respite at 12:30 a.m.* 
*much to my not-happiness, CB does not serve oatmeal at that hour of the morning ... ploh

 British accent was entirely justified, according to a most reliable book entitled, A Guide to Sophias. ;}

*sigh* I suppose it is for the best that I did not go about breaking the Law of Gravity, with my jolly flying...because, now, I would not only have Oswald on my case (for posting too long!), but I would also be a fugitive on the  LoG bobby's list. =O

God blessed exceedingly beyond my diminutive mortal thought capacity. <3

Thanks awfully for stopping by to read my ramblings. =}

The child-nephew comes for a visit this week end, and I shall, yet again, be in danger of breaking the LoG. 


I fear it's not to be helped ... and I am perfectly content with that. ;)


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  1. are an energetic girl! Loved it, and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!

    Mrs. Havens

    1. Oh yes! I had a slightly severe case of enthusiasm the entire week! ;) Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, Mrs. Havens! =D

  2. If Sophias could fly, than I'm the Queen of the Flowery Dell...oh, wait, wrong book! My dear Sophia, if you could fly, what would happen to me? Hmm, maybe Michelles could scuba-dive.
    Once again, you've achieved giving us a marvelous example of your adventures, a small glimpse into your expeditions. I always look forward to reading your blog, it is always a delight to read! :)

    Oh, I think I shall be testing the rules of gravity with you upon your nephew's arrival! *shing*


    1. Dear oh dear, Schelle! If we have Sophias flying and Michelles scuba-diving, then how are we to carry on our conversations?! ;) Indeed, I am fantastically pleased that you enjoy my random posts - praise the Lord! <3
      Quite! 'Shinging' all 'round! ;)

    2. Dear Sophia,
      We shall have to trust in the wonderful loyal Sarahs of the world to be the middle man, err, woman.
      Yes, no immovable frowns this weekend, not only will we have your dear adorable nephew, but we will also be singing at the Nursing Home! :) *shinging*


    3. But of course! The Sarahs are the only remedy to be desired. =D Yes, shinging is rather a favorite past time, no? ;]

  3. ...Yikes! That picture of us- I look bleh! =/ I'm so glad you got to see Lauren & Jen & peoples! I'm just a smidge of jelly though. ;) God is SO good to us, isn't he?! You're being prayed for, my {british} deer-friend.

    1. Oh stuff of nonsense,Ans! You look smashing. =) Well, if you're going to be Jelly, then I must be Peanut Butter. ;) He IS always so good to us. <3 Thanks awfully, dook!

  4. Phia...what FUN!!!
    I hope you will be in Nashville, your amazing self teaching Pre-Excel...I have already recommended your artistic leadership to a mom looking for a great leader for her little girl ;) Aaaand...I can't wait to see you, should you be there =)

    1. Hannah! Much to my dismay, I shall be not be able to make it to Nashville this year. ='( Family holiday to CO and all that...indeed, my dear, you are most kind. <3 *You* would be a smashing candidate for a Prexcel leader! Yes, yes, you simply must do it. =D I shall be with you in spirit. =)

  5. 'Twas indeed a glorious week! I'm so glad that you were able to experience said expotition! It really was happy to have you there, too. =D
    ~ Your Lizzie <3

    1. You do enhance every experience, DarlinG. =)

  6. Love the Pride and Prejudice reference! :) You're too cute, PhiPhia. Good gracious, do you know it's been a month since I have seen you! Much too long, if you ask me.


    1. hee hee Good ole' Mr. Collins. ;) It is positively horrendous! It must be remedied soon - this Sunday? =D <3

  7. Well, it was awfully kind of you to let Matthew and Kristina have a spot in your post.

    1. Ah, my blog is graced by their delightful presence. =)


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)