Thursday, August 4, 2011

Regarding Purple Fingers and Self-Portraiture

Growing up in a family of six children, it is a strange feeling indeed when one is the only child at home for three days (all the others were camping in MI). Happily, I found a sufficient number of activities to occupy my time. =) Between reading, school, washing laundry and dishes, having company, and experimenting with new recipes the time passed quite pleasantly.

{It was so delightful in the garden, picking flowers and veggies}

{I had never really taken any reflection self-portraits before ...... I had fun =}

{No Peter Rabbits in Mr. McFredrickson's Garden ;}

{The Cause of My Purple Fingers}

{Fresh Kale and Beet Salad...Purple Fingers were Worth It}

{I had a lovely time; however, I am glad to be the 4th of six again =}

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  1. ...fresh grated beet root is a favourite of mine~ purple fingers are

  2. Beautiful Phia! :) I love your self-reflection pitures! Those are fun to take ;)

  3. Aww! I am sooooo glad you had a good time, I bet you deserved it♥ I miss you and your company, Pheelers! Wahh :('


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)