Thursday, September 22, 2011

Opportunity & Dreams Realized

I love starting my week off with a visit from him =)
{making new fashion statements}

{birthday picnic! hah I'm still working on improving my self-portrait skills =P sometimes it takes ten pictures (or more) to find one where someones head is not cut off ... ah, the joys}

It has been my express wish, this past Summer, to repaint the gel's room! For those of you who are familiar with the DISC personality test, I am a rather high SI (C is balanced, and D is ... basically not on the chart =P) So, this causes me dilemmas sometimes; because, I get all of these inspirations and dreams of fun amazing things to do! Alas, my poor microscopic D is unable to perform. =( Howev-ah! This week I was resolved. I told myself that I must do this week.
{excellent book on doing}
And thus we began ...
{definitely before}

Again, being a high SI, I love being around people and such; however, stepping out of my comfort zone is, regrettably, not my cup of tea. =( Yet, God in His mercy, has seen fit to place me in many situations where I had/have the opportunity to do that. Something that is stepping outside of my comfort zone is doing things spontaneously ... such as serving at an event with one day to spare. =) My initial thought was, "schoo,'s kind of spur of the moment, but why not!" And I am immensely glad that I did do it. =)
{such a lovely time to work with friends, meet new people, and learn things}

{the grounds were g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s.}

{some of the team}

I will be sure to keep you updated with the room pro-gress. =D
{even while painting she's cute!}

{somewhat after; but, not quite there}

Don't give Procrastination and Indecision the time of day ...
do something!


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)