Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In Which We Find ...

... that I am, once again, parted from my homeland.

Olivia and I had the privilege of embarking upon another life-changing Journey {to the Heart}!
As we are away, your prayers are dearly appreciated for:
~Sensitivity to the Spirit's promptings
~Safety in travel
~Power of One-Accord
~And anything else the Lord lays on your heart! =)

Thank you all so much. 


~Post Script~
A Sneak Peak of a photo shoot my crazy-amazing sister did for me! 


  1. Praying!!! Can't wait to hear about what God does!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, dear friend! God answered beyond what I could have ever imagined. =O <3

  2. Ooh, you simply *must* put up the pictures *as soon* as you get home! Or is Evy going to do it? In either case, I want to *see*! And I should very much like to hear about the Journey. Missing you terribly, gwathel-nin!
    ~ Sa'ah <3

    1. DarlinG! lol Aw-wight, aw-wight...we will twy to do somefinG related to those soon-ishmael. ;) Missing you terribly more, Sa'ah! I hope those chummy R's are taking more-than-good-care of you ... I'm sure they are (but, secretly I hope I can find some area that they aren't...because, then I'll take it and whisk myself away to see you!! =). <3


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)