Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hoi . . . am I ever behind on this sort o' thing. =[
Still, here you have it.

Over the past 9 months, I have been so generously awarded three different blog awards, by three lovely ladies:




Because my brain activity is not at it's optimal functionality at this hour, on Saturday evening (during which time i am composing this post), I am going to be concise and give the same 11 (and 7) random facts about myself and the same 11 questions, that are a requirement of the Stylish Blogger, Liebster, and Blogger Awards. =}

Rules for The Stylish Blogger Award

1 - navy and mustard are divine
2 - all of my piano and violin teachers have gotten married or gone off to a foreign country (sometimes both!)
3 - i am the only child in my family's birth order, to be book-ended by brothers =]
4 - i am also the only child to have an older and younger of both sisters and brothers
5 - fairly often, i have a tendency to not fini ...
6 - For He is an Englishman . . . the song for every occassion
7 - i am a mercy

Rules for the Liebster Award
1. You post the rules... 
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Those I awarded can answer the questions I posted.
4. I am supposed to create 11 new random questions for the people I tagged.
5. And finally, notify the people I have awarded

These are the questions Haley gave me =)

1. How many cups of coffee do you drink in a day? (that is, if you drink coffee at all!)
Answer: no more than 1

2. How many siblings do you have?
three sisters: two older, one younger.
 two brothers: one older, one younger.

3. Do you like to wear socks?
in the winter

4. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
it helps me enormously to organize and straighten out my rather rumply thinkings.

5. Do you play an instrument?
oh, i play around with several.

piano is my primary focus.

6. What is your eye color?
well, it was blue when i was born; but, the question isn't "what was your eye color?", is it now? =]
my eye color is dark brown.

7. When did you start blogging?
ah, that fondly fateful day -
wednesday, july 20th, 2011

8. What is your favorite book?
why does this question exist?

9. What is your favorite music?
music that can create a picture in my mind
(nice ones, of course =)

10. If you created a bumper sticker, what would it say?
either . . .
i know it's green, but what else is about it?
no, that's wendy =]

11.  Are you shy?
some have received that impression, though i cannot fathom why. ;)
can be silent at times; but, i make it a general rule to avoid being shy.
to be sure, i used to consider myself shy.
then, my dear mum, lovingly shared an insight with me (i am forever indebted).
"being shy is selfish and prideful."
this was a shocker for me - i thought that being shy was the quintessence of thinking about others and showing humility. 
nope. =/
when you're being all shy and reclusive in your spirit, are you thinking of anyone but yourself?
are you focused on how you can make someone else feel at ease?
even though you may not be feeling that way, i find that it helps me to help someone else. 
i'm not suggesting that you speak incessantly, going 100 wpm - focus on the Lord . . . how would He be conducting Himself in this situation?
heh heh
erm, so that's my not-one-sentence-answer. ;)

4 Random Things
{adding on from the previous 7}

8 - i prefer to be cold
9 - i do enjoy heat if there's sun
10 - i want to learn Danish
11 - i have a habit of unintentionally disappearing


1 // Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2 // Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the people you will nominate with this award.
3 // Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
4 // Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
5 // Absolutely NO tag backs.
6 // Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 follo

1. What is your second favorite book?
excellent question!

erm, my second favorite devotional, biography, dickens, play, lewis, wodehouse, novel, or children's literature?? =}
devotional: The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life
biography: Vera, the King's Daughter
dickens: ugh . . . it's a tie between David Copperfield / Dombey and Son
 (because I can't decide which one is my first favorite =)
play: Our Town
lewis: C.S Lewis' Letters to Children
wodehouse: Right Ho, Jeeves!
novel: An Old Fashioned Girl
children's literature: Jane of Lantern Hill

I could keep going . . . if you want to talk books/literature/biographies/whatever-you-wish-pertaining-to-scribblements-for-edification, i would be exceedingly eager to oblige =]

2. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

at the beginning of this year, my top six places - no, wait a minute . . . seven, it's seven - right, the top seven places i wanted to visit (the most ) were: COAKVTUK, IE, and UA

now, i have been to CO
annnd i still want to go to all of the rest =]

3. What is your dream?
is that 'dream', singular?? ;]

what is a 'dream'?, i ask.
there are several definitions.
- -
1) mental activity, usually in the form of an imagined series of events, during certain phases of sleep
2) a sequence of imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake
3) a cherished hope; ambition; aspiration
well, i used to have the same recurring dream, when i was younger . . . the gist? 
constant_running/mad_scientist/talking_killer_whales/hiding_in_large_plaza/etc. =P
{actually, i classify that as more of a childhood nightmare =}
in answer to def. #2 - employed as a nanny in england!
but, really, my cherished hope, ambition, and aspiration is to live this life God's given me to the very fullest; in a way that brings the highest glory to Him.
which means doing what?
+whatever the need calls for+ 

which means being where?
<3wherever He leads me<3

which means for how long?
*forever and into eternity*

4. What is your favorite thing to cook?
er, rather, 'not cook' ;)

well, today, it was raw corn chowder

5. What are your favorite kind of shoes?
whimsical and sophisticated flats / running shoes

6. How do you spend your spare time?
'spare time'?
one, of several ways:
-transported to another place with a book
-worshiping with music
-in recreational pursuits
-being still, and knowing that He's God
-cleaning and/or organizing
-in conversations, edifying

7. What is your favorite part of Anne of Green Gables?
/ when Anne is talking with Miss Stacey about beautiful consolations /
/ when Marilla has to cut her hair, and Matthew gives her a hug /
 / Lady of Shalott, re-enacted /

8. What would your dream dress look like?
floor-length, empire-waist, 3/4 length sleeve, square neckline, slight train, delicate chiffon

orrrr 1950's-ish =)

i'm not entirely sure =}

9. What is your favorite time of the week?

10. What is your favorite place to shop?
shop for what?

land's end
whole foods
good will
charming charlie's
barnes and noble
edward's orchard

11. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
Isaiah, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Philippians, Proverbs, Malachi, and I John.
ooops, that's more than one ;}
all of them!

Now for my questions, to those I have so chosen. =)
{by the bye, yes, I am tagging specific people for these questions; however, if you see one that you'd like to answer, please feel free to, in a comment below. =) }

1. Can you list 7 flower names off the top of your head?
{if so, list them ;}
2. What is/are your middle name{s}?
3. For reasons unthinkable, inconceivable, unlikely, unimaginable, and altogether undesirable, If you were only able to have three books (excepting the Scriptures), what would they be?
4. Supposing you had the opportunity to become an RN, College Professor, Opera Singer, Interior Designer, Professional Caterer, or Zookeeper...with which vocation would your decision lie?
5. Chinese or Mexican?
6. Sushi or Crawdads?
7. 1709, 1809, 1909, or 2009?
8. Handel or Gilbert & Sullivan?
9. Do you ever read poetry aloud to yourself?
10. What would your Pen Name be?
11. In the line-up of your siblings, where do you fall (child# and daughter/son#)?

Diana, Anslea, and Kayla,

I do so tag you, with the following:

Diana - Liebster Award

Anslea - Stylish Blogger Award

Kayla - Blogger Award

The respective rules for your award can be found above (somewhere ;).
Go on, have fun with it. =]

I'd say that my previous post took the prize for lengthiest picture post, thus far, and I think this one takes the lengthiest word post award! ;P

Well, it's been chummy . . .



  1. Sophia! You did not need to "tag" me! Indeed, I do not deserve it! Although, I'm bursting with joyful inside tunes of music. I appreciate it SO much, N~gal. Am I now supposed to copy the "stylish blogger award" *quiz and then write in my own answers, then put post it on my blog. I'm confused. ={ YAY YAY
    Love for you,

    Southern babe

    1. You did great, Nans! =) Thanks for doing it. <3

  2. Ooh, delicious questions just begging for the answering! Hm. . . 4. Interior Designer. 7. Oh, toss up between 1809 and 1909, but methinks 1909 wins out. ;) 9. But definitely! And not just poetry, either. 10. My currently desired pseudonym is Elizabeth Lee; previously Kathryn Woodward. 3. This question defies all attempts at answering; it brings depressing thoughts. :(
    Thank you for the fun, darling-heart!
    ~ your Sa'ah <3

    1. Thank *you* for providing delightful answers to said 'delicious questions'. ;)
      ~ your S'phee <3

  3. I loved the answers you gave to the questions I asked:)
    Your personality is so wonderful Sophia!

  4. "A pinch of salt, lots of love, and lots and lots of tofu." :) "'You won't even taste it!' 'Then why is it gross?" :) Ahh, KidHistory. They're the best. And so are you! What an adorable little post. :)

    1. LOL They are the best! +D I miss you, Polly. <3

  5. Always like learning more about you ;)

    1. "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you..." ;) Indeed, we are such intricately deep and complex beings, that one can know an individual for the entirety of the latter's life and *still* learn something new about them...such an adventure. ;) Love you, sisterly. <3


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)