Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Time for Everything

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven . . ."
Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Having established that, September is the season {in the Sophia-Calendar ;} for re-painting, re-decorating, re-doing, re-organizing, and just plain old re-ing! =)

If you've been with my blog for the past year, you may recall this post.
[and it's conclusion.]

I learned so much through experiencing that project - the majority of it was fun! - a percentage of it was not what I would label as 'fun', per se; however, it could be categorized as stretching. 
And while, at the time, stretching experiences are not always my cup o' rosie, I do come to greatly value them.
Because, it's through those times - the ones that make you uncomfortable, and throw you into 'cold water' - that you acquire growth. 
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
I Thessalonians 5:18

Thusly, by God's grace, I am thankful for that stretching time!

Right ho, moving on . . .
{sorry. I have a habit of following little white rabbits down their bunny-trails =}

'Operation: Re-do Spare 'Oom' has officially commenced!
The entire lower level (with parts of the kitchen) is in an absolute state of topsy-turvey-ness . . .
Such are the joys that come with 're-doing'. =]
But it's aw-wight, because the arrangement is entirely temporary, and [more hopefully than not] there will be less of everything by the time this mission is completed. ;)

Pictures and details to follow!
Oh, and remind me to share with you, the special rhema that I found for this project. =)



  1. Ooh, I can hardly for documentation of Re-'Ooming the Spare. Such fun! He he, 'it is well we do not have a new carpet every day of the week.' I wish I could come and help. :(
    Yes, bobbit trails are awfully tempting, aren't they? Do please hurry back with details and rhema in toe.
    Your Sa'ah <3

    1. hardly wait
      ~ Sa'ah

    2. lol I can't tell you how often I've thought of that quote! ;) I was going to put it in the post; but, I forgetted. =P Even if you are unable to be here in person, your help-in-spirit has been invaluable. <3
      Your Jane <3

    3. *forgetted = Sgweegla speech ;)

  2. Oo, an update! Yay! And on the Spare 'Oom project nonetheless! I can hardly wait to see the changes at the end of your project. And do, do share the rhema. I look forward to pictures, as well as seeing it in person!

    1. Schelle, thanks for all the iron-sharpening conversations and encouragement this past week. =) It's been lovely! Glad you could see some of the pro-gress.

  3. can't wait to see pictures So-G!!!:)

  4. Sophia-you are so beautiful. You have a wonderfully delightful way with words. Your love for Gods Kingdom is inspiring. And you bless me like crazy!!!!! :0) just sayin......;0)

    1. Bri, you are a treasured sunbeam in my life, and I just can't even organize the words properly to *thank* you for the countless times you have blessed ME like crazy {both recently and during HQ days}!! <3


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)