Monday, October 22, 2012

Challenge-17: Post the 3rd

{Eesh! Yes, yes, I am a day behind; however, I wasn't really home long enough, yesterday, to actually sit down and collect my thoughts into a pile, to post. ;P So, you get two today! =}

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
~Proverbs 27:17~

Oh praise the Lord for the fellowship of His saints!
Yesterday was an absolutely overwhelming-joy-filled day. . .
My church met together as a whole, for the first time, since our congregation divided last October.* +D

[*It was a "good split" - we were growing too great in number for our facility.
So, it was greatly bittersweet. . . wanting to stay together (in complete honesty, I've not seen a fellowship that enjoys being with each other, as much as ours! =); yet, wanting to still be able to welcome others into our midst! Oh, we still contrive ways to meet =], and now many new brothers and sisters have joined us. =)]

Our speaker shared a host of insights - and how my spirit was exceedingly blessed!
One of them was the distinction between fellowship and socializing.
Socializing: sharing common interests.
Fellowship: sharing Christ.

Not that there is anything wrong with socializing; however, fellowship, is what I was "sharpened" with yesterday. =]

I hugely enjoy word-study, and yesterday's sermon was positively ripe with that! =]
A heart-felt Thank You! to,
{Dr. Jerry Benjamin}

May you be blessed with countenance-sharpening friends, dear readers! =D


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  1. Yes, it was a really fun day! :)

    What's cool about what Dr. Benjamin said defining the difference between "socializing" and "fellowship" is that our churches part of our churches name means sharing Christ! :)

    Also: I like the picture! ;)

    1. Yes, yes, yes! =D Wholly happy . . . I'm glad you like the photo - I like it too. ;)


Thanks muchly for commenting ... it was terribly chummy of you. =)